Fairhorsemanship (FH) is a humane, science-based horse training method created by French horse trainer Alizé V.Muckensturm. FH is dedicated to promote non-coercive training methods, to reduce the use of aversive tools and methods in handling and training horses, and to promote appropriate horse management. In the first of her series, Alizé introduces the theory behind positive reinforcement horse training.
Positive reinforcement is a term used in psychology, which refer to a type of learning where an individual behaviour is followed and reinforced by the addition of pleasurable things such as food or scratches. This technique is particularly popular in the dog-training world but is also used with zoos animals and services animals. For example the technique allows zookeepers to safely and humanely teach potentially dangerous animals such as lions, rhinos and hippos to give blood, climb on a scale or open their mouth for dental-care without coercion. Not only the technique makes healthcare and husbandry procedures easy but it can also saves life. By for example, teaching dogs to sniff out cancer and rats to detect out landmines and even tuberculosis.
Unfortunately the equestrian world stands quite a few years behind other animal industries and only a handful professional and amateur use positive reinforcement on a daily basis. When this technique is used however, horse and human can experience many of its benefits some of which include:
Positive reinforcement can be used to train horses to perform a variety of behaviours including basic husbandry and health care behaviours such as accepting treatments, giving feet, trailer loading and more athletic behaviours such as lunging, jumping and riding. It can also be used to teach your horse to perform fun tricks such a picking up objects, playing with a ball and it is also used to demonstrate horses cognitive abilities in task discriminations and communicate preferences.
I hope this short introduction to positive reinforcement will have piqued your interest, and that you will join me in future articles to further explore the use of humane, science-based horse training techniques.
Fairhorsemanship (FH) is a humane, science-based horse training method created by French horse trainer Alizé V.Muckensturm. FH is dedicated to promote non-coercive training methods, to reduce the use of aversive tools and methods in handling and training horses, and to promote appropriate horse management.