July 18, 2016

Anti Bullying Campaign

Tudor Rose Equines are set to launch a first of its kind campaign in the UK called NOT ON MY YARD!” the message behind the campaign is aimed at combating bullying and cyber bulling in the equestrian world.
The initiative, which is to take place during this year’s national anti-bullying week (14-18 November) has already sparked a wave of support from all across the UK, Ireland, Germany, Australia and the USA.  Riders, business owners, top level Equestrians and media are all coming together to help raise awareness and change attitudes towards bullying within the equestrian community.
The campaign has also demonstrated that bullying is prevalent through all levels and all disciplines right up to international level, with high profile riders coming forward and sharing their own shocking experiences of bullying.

Tudor Rose Equines was set up in January by riders Samantha Thurlow, Alan Jones and Nicky White, to provide those who lacked confidence with an opportunity to try new equestrian activities such as hunting,  polocrosse, cross country and dressage  in a relaxed no pressure atmosphere.
Events also include fun rides and other equestrian training.

The campaign itself, sees its highlight during September where a mass photo shoot will take place, bringing together high profile riders who have stepped forward to show support for the campaign.

Tudor Rose Equines are overwhelmed with the amazing response recieved so far and urge people to show their support and raise awareness by posting an imaginative photo or short video perhaps getting together with other liveries on their yard and sharing their clips under the #notonmyyard.

for further information visit www.tudorroseequine.co.uk

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